
The Ashram is unique—a place where you can challenge yourself and renew your body and spirit. There are many spas in the world but only one Ashram.
— Fern N. , Cambridge

.. the rustic program and surroundings create a recipe that could neither be replicated nor improved upon.
— Vogue

The Ashram is my home away from home. I have returned to The Ashram every year for over 20 years. I first came to The Ashram to make my body smaller. Then I realIzed that the biggest benefit of going to The Ashram is actually to make my heart bigger and my mind more peaceful. The Ashram provides healthy food and invigorating hiking and fitness in a warm family environment. I would strongly encourage anyone to make The Ashram part of your annual well-being practice.

P.S. Don’t forget how much fun pool volleyball is!
— Andy G., Boston

I have traveled all over the world and stayed in amazing places, but this is indeed in a category of its own.
— Emilie C., New York

To say that the Ashram is MAGICAL would be an huge understatement. I have had the privilege of participating more than 20 times over the course of many years. From the incredible hikes to the even more incredible meals, every experience is magic. The real magic, though, lies with the people who work there and make the magic HAPPEN. Plan on feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, challenged and GRATEFUL after your week there!
— Melissa C., Brazil

... you don’t get pampered. But New York’s glamour girls are toughing it out in droves.
— W Magazine

The Ashram invented the concept of the health retreat 40+ years ago. Hiking across the Santa Monica Mountains, yoga and exercise classes, and delicious healthy food are the magic recipe for weight loss and physical and mental renewal. The dedicated, wise, and joyful staff will challenge you, and yet take care of you and make you laugh. The heart, soul, and spirit of the Ashram are unmatched anywhere in the world.
— Amédée P., France

Only in L.A., the spiritual home to something called “life enhancement” and “wellness”, would they invent a boot camp for the movie stars.
— Vogue

I decided to go to The Ashram to put life on hold for a week to rejuvenate and invest in my body and mind. The team lead me through a transformational week of nutrition and fitness like nothing I’d experienced before. The camaraderie within the group was amazing—a week I will never forget and certainly do again!
— John S., London

If I could survive The Ashram for one week, then I could do anything.
— Harper’s & Queen