the ashram California

Specialty Programs

 Our new offerings!

Ashram Specialty Programs

In addition to our renowned original Ashram California program, we now offer four new special programs.


The California Camino

A week of hiking the entire 70 miles of the “Backbone Trail” through the Santa Monica Mountains. You will cover around 10-12 miles daily, then in the afternoon, return to The Ashram for pool, massage, and yoga.

Each morning, you will start hiking where you finished the day before. Lunch will be served most days on the trail except the last day when you end your hike at “The Inn of the Seventh Ray” in Topanga for a well deserved vegetarian meal. The hikes are rather strenuous at times but incredibly beautiful. This program is for someone in good cardio shape and used to hiking.

This program will start at 10am on Sunday of arrival and be finished the following Saturday at 11am. The cost for this incredible week will be $6500. We hope to see you out there on the California Camino!




May 11
May 18
November 2

Ashram 5 Day Mini-Retreat

Are you looking for a shorter Ashram stay? We are so happy to offer a 5-day program which will start Thursday at 1pm and finish the following Monday at 11am. All the same Ashram goodness to be had in this mini week! The cost for this program will be $4500.



Thursday, July 10th - Monday, July 14th

Thursday September 25 - Monday September 29

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